On the list of Rhode Island assets, surely the Newport Mansions belong near the top.
For the third consecutive year, in 2018 the Preservation Society of Newport County recorded more than 1 million visits to its 11 properties.
More than just a glimpse into the Gilded Age of the 19th and 20th centuries – and what a view these windows provide – the summer “cottages” of the rich and powerful can be seen as a paean to the fruits of innovation (and the ruthless business practices that often accompany it).
The owners of Newport’s grandest homes employed the best artisans, setting standards that have stood the test of time and often are held up as aspirational for the decorative arts and architectural excellence.
The mansions are especially illuminating when seen in contrast to the Colonial homes just down the hill, showing how far the United States had come in roughly three centuries.
If the coming year allows a visit, take the time to see the Newport Mansions for what they are, a museum of a world long past but worth knowing.