Optometrists, vision-test app makers don’t see eye to eye

NEW TECH: Dr. Stephen M. Montaquila, an optometrist at West Bay Eye Associates in Warwick, helped draft a bill regulating the use of vision-test apps, in part to ensure they aren’t used to skirt the healthy requirement for routine eye exams. / PBN PHOTO/­MICHAEL SALERNO
NEW TECH: Dr. Stephen M. Montaquila, an optometrist at West Bay Eye Associates in Warwick, helped draft a bill regulating the use of vision-test apps, in part to ensure they aren’t used to skirt the healthy requirement for routine eye exams. / PBN PHOTO/­MICHAEL SALERNO

Local optometrists are arguing for “standard of care” regulation of online vision tests for corrective lens prescription renewals, rules branded protectionist by manufacturers, pitting eye doctors’ efforts to preserve patient interaction against software services providing convenient, remote eye care. Corrective lens manufacturers, including 1-800 Contacts, Opternative and Warby Parker, offer software allowing customers who have

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