Owners tap into savings to withstand pandemic

SAVINGS EATEN AWAY: Chicago Alderman Tom Tunney, inside the main Ann Sather restaurant in Chicago, estimates he’s put $250,000 of his own money into running his three restaurants. / AP PHOTO/CHARLES REX ARBOGAST
SAVINGS EATEN AWAY: Chicago Alderman Tom Tunney, inside the main Ann Sather restaurant in Chicago, estimates he’s put $250,000 of his own money into running his three restaurants. / AP PHOTO/CHARLES REX ARBOGAST

NEW YORK – When the coronavirus outbreak forced cruise lines to cancel trips to Alaska, it wiped out Midgi Moore’s tour business, leaving her with thousands of dollars in deposits to refund. Moore’s company, Juneau Food Tours, didn’t have enough cash on hand. So, she withdrew $30,000 from her retirement account – a painful decision

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