PBN summit: No recession, but inflation will stick around through 2025

Updated at 3:36 p.m.

THOMAS TZITZOURIS, head of fixed income research at New York City-based Strategas Research Partners, speaks at Providence Business News' Economic Trends Summit on Thursday in Providence. He painted a mixed picture of the economic outlook for 2025. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI
THOMAS TZITZOURIS, head of fixed income research at New York City-based Strategas Research Partners, speaks at Providence Business News' Economic Trends Summit on Thursday in Providence. He painted a mixed picture of the economic outlook for 2025. / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI

PROVIDENCE – It is unlikely that President Donald Trump will be able to quickly rein in the sticky inflation that has slowed economic growth during the years of unprecedented spending by the federal government.  That was the analysis presented Thursday morning by Thomas Tzitzouris, head of fixed income research at New York City-based Strategas Research

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  1. As loyal PBN subscribers could we please ask for a proper analysis of the current fiscal federal budget? One has to wonder why none of this would be a problem if the top 10% would just pay the same rate of taxes as everyone else.