PBN survey: Rebound under way, but repercussions from pandemic not making it easy

EXPANDED OFFERINGS: John Nunes Jr., owner of Newport Vineyards and Winery LLC in Middletown, said the business has fared much better in weathering the COVID-19 pandemic than it did the 2008 financial crisis due to its diversification into “agritainment,” offering customers a full experience of wining, dining and touring the 100-acre farm beyond just selling bottled wine. / PBN PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN
EXPANDED OFFERINGS: John Nunes Jr., owner of Newport Vineyards and Winery LLC in Middletown, said the business has fared much better in weathering the COVID-19 pandemic than it did the 2008 financial crisis due to its diversification into “agritainment,” offering customers a full experience of wining, dining and touring the 100-acre farm beyond just selling bottled wine. / PBN PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN

Rhode Island businesses are climbing out of the crater caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but many are finding that the lingering fallout is dampening their recovery, according to Providence Business News’ Summer 2021 Business Survey. Nearly 9 in 10 business owners and executives who responded said they are paying more now for materials and supplies

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