Providence business community still worried about bike lanes

A RENDERING DEPICTING the temporary bike lane planned for Hope Street between Lauriston and Olney streets. / COURTESY PROVIDENCE STREETS COALITION

It’s been more than a year since Providence installed a bike lane on South Water Street despite opposition from businesses, but it’s apparently done little to ease resistance to protected lanes in other commercial districts of the city. Plans for a temporary two-way bike lane on a 1-mile section of Hope Street next month have

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  1. Stupid, stupid, stupid idea!
    I live in Seattle (I lived in Providence for years and that’s why I subscribe) and the bike lanes here have KILLED local, small, mom-and-pop stores because there is so much LESS parking and those that are available are diffuclt to park in.

    if you want to ride a bike, go to a park but don’t put in bike lanes on Hope Street and destroy the small businesses there!

    Enough of this ridiculousness!

  2. Kudos to Laurie White for standing up for the tax paying business community upon which the RI economy depends.
    If you need a bike lane, you shouldn’t be on bike. I’ve ridden bike for over 60 years and I don’t need no stinking bike lanes. Bike lanes are just another needless waste of tax payer dollars.