Providence mayoral candidates vie for pulse on small businesses

FAVORABLE CHANGES: Rick Simone, executive director of the Federal Hill Commerce Association, said merchants in the Federal Hill section of Providence are pleased with changes to the city’s licensing and permitting system that have made the process faster and easier, adding the city’s Board of Licenses has been more responsive to merchant concerns.
FAVORABLE CHANGES: Rick Simone, executive director of the Federal Hill Commerce Association, said merchants in the Federal Hill section of Providence are pleased with changes to the city’s licensing and permitting system that have made the process faster and easier, adding the city’s Board of Licenses has been more responsive to merchant concerns.

It may be hard to think of the many rundown and abandoned houses that have tarnished Providence’s neighborhoods in the context of small business and entrepreneurship, but Mayor Jorge O. Elorza sees a connection. Perhaps drawing upon his background as a housing-law professor at Roger Williams University in Providence and as a judge at the

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