Push on to make benefits of telehealth permanent

LIFESAVER: Erin Cooney, a barber, credits telemedicine with saving her life in December, when she realized after a fall that something was seriously wrong and was able to hold a videoconference with her doctor. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
LIFESAVER: Erin Cooney, a barber, credits telemedicine with saving her life in December, when she realized after a fall that something was seriously wrong and was able to hold a videoconference with her doctor. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Seeing a doctor became much easier in the pandemic for many people who avoided travel time, office waits and the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by attending appointments through their home computer or by phone. Physicians and other health care professionals who used telemedicine in the past year, many for the first time, discovered that

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