QMed tech device allows manufacturers to keep track of surgical kits

KEEPING TABS: Victor Nunes, founder and principal owner of QMed Innovations Inc. in Middletown, showcases the company’s Quest tracking product, which uses internet-connected technology to provide location data so manufacturers can keep track of their surgical kits that are used in orthopedic procedures. / PBN PHOTO/KATE WHITNEY LUCEY
KEEPING TABS: Victor Nunes, founder and principal owner of QMed Innovations Inc. in Middletown, showcases the company’s Quest tracking product, which uses internet-connected technology to provide location data so manufacturers can keep track of their surgical kits that are used in orthopedic procedures. / PBN PHOTO/KATE WHITNEY LUCEY

Real-time analytics and tracking of surgical kits used in orthopedic procedures is what QMed Innovations Inc. has become known for. The business, based in Middletown, combines software with a device that allows medical device manufacturers to track, in almost real time, where their kits are located. The system, called Quest tracking, is an internet-connected technology

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