R.I. COVID-19 cases increase by 351, with 3 more deaths

CASES OF COVID-19 in Rhode Island increased by 351 on Wednesday. / COURTESY R.I. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
CASES OF COVID-19 in Rhode Island increased by 351 on Wednesday. / COURTESY R.I. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

PROVIDENCE – Cases of COVID-19 in Rhode Island increased by 351, with three more deaths, on Wednesday, the R.I. Department of Health said Thursday.

Cases in the state have totaled 32,312 to date, an increase of 368 from figures reported on Wednesday, accounting for both the day-to-day increase, as well as data revisions for previous days.

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Deaths in the state due to COVID-19 have totaled 1,195 in Rhode Island.

Hospitalizations of COVID-19 patients in the state totaled 139, an increase from 136 one day prior. Of those hospitalized, 16 were in an intensive care unit and nine were on a ventilator.

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There were 13,131 tests processed Wednesday, with an overall positive rate of 2.7%. When excluding both repeat positive and repeat negative results, the positive rate was 12.4%.

There have been 1.11 million tests administered in Rhode Island to date to 429,340 different individuals.

Gov. Gina M. Raimondo announced Wednesday that due to a recent increase in the prevalence of the virus in the state, new restrictions will be announced Friday.

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