R.I. COVID-19 cases increased by 190, with four deaths

PROVIDENCE – Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Rhode Island increased by 190, with four deaths, the R.I. Department of Health said Wednesday.  

Hospitalizations of COVID-19 patients total 77, a decrease from 76 reported on Tuesday. Of those hospitalized, five are in intensive care units and six are on ventilators.  

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There have been 108.6 new cases per 100,000 persons in Rhode Island in the previous seven days. By comparison, there were 278 new cases identified on March 15, 2021. The transmission rate on March 15, 2021, was 215.5 cases per 100,000 persons. 

There were 141 COVID-19 patients hospitalized as of March 15, 2021, of which 16 were in the ICU and 13 were on ventilators.  

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There have been 820,356 individuals fully vaccinated in the state, as well as 2.1 million total COVID-19 vaccine doses administered.  

Confirmed cases in the state now total 358,637, an increase of 208 from figures reported Tuesday, accounting for the day-to-day increases and data revisions for previous days.  

Deaths due to the virus in Rhode Island total 3,427.  

There were 7,967 tests processed on Tuesday, with a positive rate of 2.4%. There have been 7.6 million tests administered in the state.  

The department also noted on Wednesday that there were 66 monoclonal antibody treatments administered by providers across the state the previous week. There have been 10,601 MAB treatments administered.