R.I. COVID-19 cases last week increased to 314

PROVIDENCE – Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Rhode Island increased by 314 from July 30 through Aug. 5, the R.I. Department of Health said Thursday. No deaths from the disease were reported in that period.

Typically, the state reports COVID-19 statistics collected from Sunday through Saturday of the previous week.

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New hospital admissions of COVID-19 patients totaled 15 last week with a transmission rate of 29.7 cases per 100,000 persons.

By comparison, there were 1,965 new cases identified from July 31-Aug. 6, 2022, and the transmission rate then was 185.8 5 cases per 100,000 persons.

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Deaths due to the virus in Rhode Island total 4,166.

There were 3,846 tests processed from July 30 through Aug. 5, with 8.8 million tests administered in Rhode Island since the start of the pandemic.

There have been 255,735 individuals who have completed a bivalent [two doses] vaccine series as of Aug. 5, which is about 24.2% of Rhode Island residents.