R.I. has highest September unemployment rate in New England

RHODE ISLAND had the highest unemployment rate in New England in September at 4.6%, which was also higher than the national rate of 4.1%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. / AP FILE PHOTO/NAM Y. HUH
RHODE ISLAND had the highest unemployment rate in New England in September at 4.6%, which was also higher than the national rate of 4.1%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. / AP FILE PHOTO/NAM Y. HUH

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island had the highest unemployment rate in New England in September at 4.6%, which was also higher than the national rate of 4.1%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Across the nation, five states reported an unemployment rate in September that was higher than the previous month, while one state

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