R.I. has second-highest lottery spend per capita in nation

RHODE ISLAND had the second highest lottery expenditure per capita of all states in 2018 behind Massachusetts. / AP FILE PHOTO/CHARLES KRUPA
RHODE ISLAND had the second highest lottery expenditure per capita of all states in 2018 behind Massachusetts. / AP FILE PHOTO/CHARLES KRUPA

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Islanders spent the second most on the lottery per capita in the nation, behind only Massachusetts, in 2018, according to a new report from LendEdu.

Rhode Island residents spent $508.42 per capita on the lottery for the year, while Massachusetts residents spent $765.90. The national average was $232.64.

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Rhode Island has ranked No. 2 in the country for per capita lottery spending from 2016-2018, according to the report released on Tuesday, at $502.01 in 2017 and $598.47 in 2016.

Rhode Island also ranked No.6 in the nation for lottery spend per capita as a share of median household income, at 0.69%. West Virginia ranked No. 1 at 0.96%, followed by Massachusetts at 0.92%.

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New York collected the most lottery revenue in the country in 2018 at $8.6 billion. Massachusetts ranked No. 5 at $5.3 billion and Rhode Island ranked No. 28 at $538.6 million.

The full report is available online.

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