R.I. offering $31M in energy-efficiency rebates for home electrification, appliances

RHODE ISLAND is making $31 million available for a rebate program aimed to help install energy saving improvements in households of low and middle incomes across the state. / PBN FILE PHOTO/CASSIUS SHUMAN
RHODE ISLAND is making $31 million available for a rebate program aimed to help install energy saving improvements in households of low and middle incomes across the state. / PBN FILE PHOTO/CASSIUS SHUMAN

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island has launched a $31 million home electrification and appliance rebates program aimed to help install energy-saving improvements in homes of low- and middle-income families.  Administered by the R.I. Office of Energy Resources, the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates program will support the adoption of Energy Star-certified heat-pump clothes dryers, electric stoves,

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