R.I. solar developer ranked in top 10% of contractors nationwide

RHODE ISLAND SOLAR and onshore wind developer Green Development LLC was ranked in the top 10% of solar contractors nationwide, according to Solar Power World. Pictured is Green Development CEO and Founder Mark DePasquale with a West Greenwich solar array. /PBN FILE PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN

CRANSTON – A Rhode Island renewable energy developer has cracked the top 10% of solar contractors nationwide, according to a new list by Solar Power World.

Green Development LLC, a Cranston-based solar and onshore wind developer, ranked 40th out of 411 companies recognized in the 2022 Top Solar Contractors list. The annual rankings are based on the total kilowatts of energy each company – either as a developer, installer or sales partner – was involved with in 2021.

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The 94,714 kilowatts of solar energy installed through Green Development in 2021 make it the top Rhode Island solar contractor of that year, according to the rankings. Only one other Rhode Island company, a construction firm known as Newport Renewables, made the list, ranked 185th.

Green Development was also ranked the top solar contractor in Rhode Island based on kilowatts installed in the 2021 rankings (which reflect 2020 work), although its rank then was 103.

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“We are pleased to be recognized in this manner by one of the leading industry publications in the country and that we continue to climb in their rankings,” Mark DePasquale, CEO and founder of Green Development, said in a statement. “We are working hard to grow this Rhode Island-based company, and the entire team is proud of the work we are doing to bring renewable projects online to help meet our renewable energy goals and protect the environment. I am particularly proud of our dedicated employees and subcontractors for getting us to this point.”

Since its founding in 2009, the 90-person company has developed 103,000 kilowatts of solar energy, according to the rankings. Including its work in onshore wind, Green Development has helped to develop 135 megawatts of renewable energy in the Ocean State, according to a company press release.

Nancy Lavin is a PBN staff writer. Contact her at Lavin@PBN.com.

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