R.I. Veterinary Medical Association provides vouchers to low-income pet owners

VOLUNTEER: Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association Companion Animal Foundation President Elizabeth Suever, pictured with Neala, volunteers her time serving the organization, which is providing vouchers to assist low-income pet owners during the COVID-19 pandemic. / COURTESY ROBERT KNYCHALSKI
VOLUNTEER: Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association Companion Animal Foundation President Elizabeth Suever, pictured with Neala, volunteers her time serving the organization, which is providing vouchers to assist low-income pet owners during the COVID-19 pandemic. / COURTESY ROBERT KNYCHALSKI

The Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association, through its Companion Animal Foundation, is providing a first-of-its-kind assistance program to low-income animal owners who need essential services for their pets. The organization, located on South Angell Street in Providence, is assisting pet owners by funding the cost of exams and vaccines and the treatment for illness or

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