Renters in R.I. find housing more affordable than in most of U.S.

Where Rental Housing is Most Affordable
Among metropolitan areas of 1 million people or more, 2017 / SOURCE: U.S. CENSUS BUREAU
*This is income of renter households, not all households.
WHERE RENTAL HOUSING IS MORE AFFORDABLE: Among metropolitan areas of 1 million people or more, 2017. *This is income of renter households, not all households. / SOURCE: U.S. CENSUS BUREAU

Where is housing least affordable in the United States? The most-cited measure has been the National Association of Realtors’ affordability index, which tracks whether median-income families can qualify for mortgages on median-priced homes. According to that, the least-affordable market as of 2016 was San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara (aka Silicon Valley) in Northern California, followed by Anaheim-Santa

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