Reparations proponents call Providence’s management of funds a ‘missed opportunity’

JIM VINCENT, A FORMER PRESIDENT of the Providence branch of the NAACP and member of the 12-member Providence Municipal Reparations Commission, is disappointed the $3 million remaining in the COVID-19 Equities Program had not already been allocated, but said the city’s decision to redirect it to Providence Public Schools would be in line with the spirit of the reparations initiatives long as it was targeted specifically toward student achievement gaps./PBN PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

PROVIDENCE – Facing a fiscal shortfall after the legal settlement last month with the R.I.  Department of Education that required the city to pay $15 million toward the school district’s budget over the current and next fiscal year, Mayor Brett P. Smiley’s administration has proposed to tap $4.4 million in remaining American Rescue Plan Act

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