Rhode Island launches 211 voter information hotline

PROVIDENCE (AP) Rhode Island residents with questions about voting during the coronavirus pandemic now have a one-stop resource to get the answers, Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea said Wednesday.

Gorbea’s office has teamed up with United Way of Rhode Island to launch a 211 voter information hotline.

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Voters who call the free, 24/7 hotline will be connected to trained United Way specialists who are able to provide information on questions about voter registration; polling locations; ways to vote; the mail ballot application process; and mail ballot dropoff locations.

Assistance is available in more than 150 languages, and TDD/TYY access is provided for voters with hearing impairments.

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Rhode Island is one of the few states with such a resource, according to a statement from Gorbea’s office.

The state’s primary is Sept. 8 and the general election is Nov. 3. The hotline will be available through Nov. 6.

“It’s vital that Rhode Islanders turn to trusted sources for elections information like the 211 Voter Information Hotline and vote.ri.gov this year,” Gorbea said in a statement. “The pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives, and elections are no exception. We’re here to answer any questions you have so you can still exercise your fundamental right to vote.”