RISCA announces $316K in grants

PROVIDENCE – The R.I. State Council on the Arts on Thursday announced approval of $316,025 in grants to 84 recipients.

The grants will support arts in education, community-based projects by organizations and individual artist fellowships and projects. Recipients include schools, community centers, artists and nonprofits.

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Grants range from $500 to $25,000.

“Each of these grants from the state arts council plays a role in the economic life of our state, contributing to jobs and ensuring that every community in Rhode Island has the opportunity for cultural expression,” said Gov. Gina M. Raimondo. “I’m proud that Rhode Island supports the arts through these critical grants.”

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RISCA received 269 grant applications this year.

The awards include five $25,000 grants this year, to DownCity Design, New Urban Arts, Providence Preservation Society, The Steel Yard and the Wilbury Theatre Group.

RISCA funds are matched by businesses, individuals and earned income, according to the council, which receives an appropriation from the General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts.

“We’re particularly pleased with this round of grant awards,” said Randall Rosenbaum, executive director of RISCA. “Programs in arts education and projects that support the work of artists in communities throughout our state contribute to our great quality of life here in Rhode Island.”

A full list of awards may be viewed online.