RWU, UMass law schools exceed new proposed bar exam standard

EXTRA MILE: Mary McBride, editor-in-chief of the UMass Law Review and a third-year law student at the University of Massachusetts School of Law in Dartmouth, says professors at the school go the extra mile to meet one-on-one with students and help them excel in the field. / PBN PHOTO/­MICHAEL SALERNO
EXTRA MILE: Mary McBride, editor-in-chief of the UMass Law Review and a third-year law student at the University of Massachusetts School of Law in Dartmouth, says professors at the school go the extra mile to meet one-on-one with students and help them excel in the field. / PBN PHOTO/­MICHAEL SALERNO

Representing a proposed new tracking metric, in March the American Bar Association for the first time compiled pass rates for Class of 2015 graduates who took the bar exam within two years of graduation, sitting for the exam once or a maximum of four times, rather than the previously tracked five-year period. ABA currently requires

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