When I was 4 years old, I found a ginormous rock in the woods. It became my superhero headquarters, the place I dreamt of grand adventures. Unfortunately, within a few months we moved, and my rock became a distant memory.
After 20 years, I trekked through copses of trees to find my rock and – wouldn't you believe it – it was only a pebble in comparison to memories. This got me thinking.
New business challenges and opportunities can seem ginormous, imposing. But once surmounted, you tend to realize what you achieved was a mere "stone" compared to where you're headed. 2014 felt like that for us. We set out to accomplish game-changing initiatives but have realized our grandest adventure is yet to come.
How can you prepare for corporate growth?
» Get closer to clients: Our philosophy is to spend ample time with clients to understand their challenges and opportunities. You can do the same. Create high-impact client relationships and embrace a consultative business approach.
» Make smart investments: Aside from making great financial investments, invest in the right employees, methodologies and corporate vision. Ensure that each investment is transformative, not run-of-the-mill.
» Find amazing people: To survive good times and bad, you have to surround yourself with rock stars. You can't thrive and grow with an average team, so find the top 1 percent and hire them.
Embark on new adventures and stand proudly on top of that rock. Your next dream awaits. •