Small businesses struggle to afford basic benefits for employees, survey finds

RETIREMENT OPTIONS: Glenn King, FM Global’s manager of employee benefits, meets with staff. From left, foreground, are Tricia Fay, North America benefits manager, and Jill Goodman, retirement plans manager. From left, background, are Carole Williamson, manager health and welfare plans, and King. FM Global offers both a 401(k) plan and a pension plan to its employees.
RETIREMENT OPTIONS: Glenn King, FM Global’s manager of employee benefits, meets with staff. From left, foreground, are Tricia Fay, North America benefits manager, and Jill Goodman, retirement plans manager. From left, background, are Carole Williamson, manager health and welfare plans, and King. FM Global offers both a 401(k) plan and a pension plan to its employees.

To the victors, go the spoils. That’s an old truism, especially for employers who win the battle for greater market share. Large companies such as FM Global, an international commercial property insurer based in Johnston, can afford to offer employees a full buffet of benefits, helping them attract and retain quality employees. Meanwhile, small businesses

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