Socially responsible investing gaining in popularity, especially among millennials

WISE INVESTMENT: Michael R. Melton, pictured with students, is a finance professor and director of the Center for Advanced Financial Education at Roger Williams University in Bristol. He said investing in a company that manages its affairs in a socially and environmentally “sustainable” way is good for both the company and its investors over the long term.
WISE INVESTMENT: Michael R. Melton, pictured with students, is a finance professor and director of the Center for Advanced Financial Education at Roger Williams University in Bristol. He said investing in a company that manages its affairs in a socially and environmentally “sustainable” way is good for both the company and its investors over the long term.

Some pundits say socially responsible investing is, for lack of a better term, horse pucky. If that’s true, there’s a lot of money in horse pucky these days. Also called environmental, social and governance investing, it is getting more popular each year. What separates ESG is its moral agenda: putting your money into companies and

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