Does public need more input in R.I.’s redistricting process?

JOHN MARION, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, says the state's legislative redistricting process is flawed and open to abuse and needs to be changed. Pictured is the R.I. Statehouse. / PBN FILE PHOTO/NICOLE DOTZENROD
JOHN MARION, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, says the state's legislative redistricting process is flawed and open to abuse and needs to be changed. Pictured is the R.I. Statehouse. / PBN FILE PHOTO/NICOLE DOTZENROD

The process that shifts the political landscape every 10 years with the redrawing of legislative district boundaries should include inviting more public input through greater outreach to reduce potential abuses, such as partisan gerrymandering and incumbent protection, according to advocates for open government. John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, said there is

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  1. John Marion is correct, as usual. Dom and Joe are content to bury their heads in the sand, as usual. Dan may have to weld the Big Stick, aka veto power, but is he willing to step up and do the RIght for the taxpayers when it may cost him GA support in the next election?