Sons of Liberty revolutionizing distillery business

DISTILLED WISDOM: From left: Chris Guillette, distiller at Sons of ­Liberty, and Sons of Liberty CEO Mike Reppucci with one of the distillery’s whisky stills. Reppucci took advantage of a change in Rhode Island law to expand Sons of Liberty’s primarily sales-based business into an event and bar venue. / PBN PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY
DISTILLED WISDOM: From left: Chris Guillette, distiller at Sons of ­Liberty, and Sons of Liberty CEO Mike Reppucci with one of the distillery’s whisky stills. Reppucci took advantage of a change in Rhode Island law to expand Sons of Liberty’s primarily sales-based business into an event and bar venue. / PBN PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

Sons of Liberty Beer & Spirits Co. | Emerging Manufacturer The Sons of Liberty Beer & Spirits Co.’s success as an emerging manufacturer came about in part due to its innovation and quality product, but also due to its ability to see opportunity and grab it by the horns. The distillery, brewery and tasting room

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