Startup shake-up: Entrepreneurs scramble to revamp business plans

NEW DESIGN: The staff at Loft LLC, an industrial design company, has recently pivoted its work to designing and building contactless COVID-19 testing trailers for use by the National Guard. From left, Scott Noh, product design; Jeanette Numbers, co-founder; Nari Shin, designer/textile specialist. In the background is David Baker, director of engineering. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
NEW DESIGN: The staff at Loft LLC, an industrial design company, has recently pivoted its work to designing and building contactless COVID-19 testing trailers for use by the National Guard. From left, Scott Noh, product design; Jeanette Numbers, co-founder; Nari Shin, designer/textile specialist. In the background is David Baker, director of engineering. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Like many college seniors, biomedical student Abbie Kohler and engineering student Greg Fine were disheartened to have their final semester suddenly cut short and their commencement ceremony postponed for a year. But perhaps a bigger blow to the soon-to-be Brown University graduates was the one to their Providence company, ­ResusciTech. Since launching the startup in

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