Consultant hired to assess feasibility of medical school at URI

Updated at 4:40 p.m. on Feb. 3.

A STATE Senate commission and the University of Rhode Island announced they have selected Tripp Umbach to lead a study assessing the feasibility of launching the state’s first medical school./COURTESY OF UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND/Sean McVeigh

SOUTH KINGSTOWN – A state Senate commission and the University of Rhode Island announced they have selected a Missouri-based consulting firm to lead a study assessing the feasibility of launching the state’s first medical school. The firm, Tripp Umbach, was selected after a competitive request process and has measured the economic effects of all U.S.

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  1. Strange move that appears to lack perspective on the State’s part. Let’s see here is a state that from the days of Lincoln Chaffee has wanted to build a biotech sector in Providence and spent money doing that with little results. Now the State and the city have a chance to have a uniqueness in that sector by building a second medical school that will put Providence in the same league as the major medical centers in the US with multiple medical schools – e.g. NYC, Boston, Chicago, LA. Few mid sized cities like Providence have such a distinction. So they pass the buck and hire a consultant to study the issue when to succeed in any new endeavor, one needs boldness. Strange indeed.