Summit: Companies at a loss to handle ransom threats

Updated 12:28 p.m. on Dec. 9.

BEST PRACTICES: Panelists Jeffrey Ziplow, a partner at Blum, Shapiro & Co. P.C.; Cindy Lepore, vice president of Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC.; and Linn F. Freedman, chair of the data privacy and cybersecurity team at Robinson & Cole LLP, discuss the challenges of responding to a ransomware attack during the Cybersecurity Summit on Oct. 7. PBN Editor Michael Mello moderated the discussion.
BEST PRACTICES: Panelists Jeffrey Ziplow, a partner at Blum, Shapiro & Co. P.C.; Cindy Lepore, vice president of Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC.; and Linn F. Freedman, chair of the data privacy and cybersecurity team at Robinson & Cole LLP, discuss the challenges of responding to a ransomware attack during the Cybersecurity Summit on Oct. 7. PBN Editor Michael Mello moderated the discussion.

International cybercrime is rising dramatically, driven by sophisticated operatives holed up in places such as Russia and North Korea who use advanced technology and even psychological tricks to penetrate computer systems, and then steal, lock up or even disseminate private data of all kinds. Criminals are targeting businesses large and small, along with municipalities and

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