T.F. Green Airport’s growth plans thrown off course

AIMING HIGH: Iftikhar Ahmad, CEO and president of R.I. Airport Corp., which oversees T.F. Green Airport, says the goal is to reach 6 million passengers annually to have Green be “a strong ‘medium’ hub” and to “connect Rhode Island to the rest of the world in a meaningful way.” / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI
AIMING HIGH: Iftikhar Ahmad, CEO and president of R.I. Airport Corp., which oversees T.F. Green Airport, says the goal is to reach 6 million passengers annually to have Green be “a strong ‘medium’ hub” and to “connect Rhode Island to the rest of the world in a meaningful way.” / PBN PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI

In early October 2017, a crowd of state and federal officials descended on T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, celebrating the completion of a runway extension that promised more international flights and, eventually, new nonstop trips to the West Coast. Under a tent set up for the gathering not far from the end of Runway 5,

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  1. It is definitely high time to change the name of the airport. And it should be called “Providence International Airport”. Providence has greater name recognition than Rhode Island and has no risk of being confused with neighboring locales. It amazes me that when I say I am from Rhode Island, I still hear the response “Long Island?”. I respond “no Rhode Island, one of the original 13 colonies that founded our country”. I usually get blank looks . . .

  2. Once again, Ahmad is aiming for Green “to be a strong ‘medium’ hub,” he said. “To connect Rhode Island to the rest of the world in a meaningful way.”

    You write “…book their flights to Rhode Island, rather than to Boston.”

    It is NOT Rhode Island”…it is the PROVIDENCE METRO AREA (RI and Southeastern MA) and beyond that Green serves. People fly to cities – like PROVIDENCE and Boston, etc. not to states.

    As the president of the Colorado-based Boyd Group International Inc., is an aviation consultant working with Green on its passenger models. “You’re still a strong market,” he said. “The goal is to show people, if you’re coming to New England, unless you’re going to Faneuil Hall [in Boston], you can get to any place in the region just as easily from PROVIDENCE”

    As to the ridiculous RI TF Green International Airport, There is NO airport named after a state, they ALL identify with the major city they serve – in this case, PROVIDENCE.

    Rhode Island is not a destination and is confused with Long Island.
    PROVIDENCE is a destination and is never confused with anything.

    Sound familiar? Boston Logan International Airport.