Friday, February 14, 2025


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Jason Albuquerque: Check off these items during virus uncertainty

As businesses around the world prepare for continued uncertainty with the coronavirus, it is critical to have a business-preparedness checklist that spans all aspects...

Sometimes, contrarian thinking can put you on right track

It makes business more interesting when there are a few contrarians around. A Jeff Bezos, a Steve Jobs, or an Elon Musk. Those who...

Niceties feed your sales

Too many salespeople find themselves running on fumes when it comes to prospects. “I get up every morning and ask myself the same question:...

Can we deflate bubbles before they bust?

Economists may be finally closing in on the reason for asset bubbles. How to pop them before they grow too large, however, is a...

10 creative tips for success in selling

For some time, a storekeeper had displayed in his window a card inscribed “Fishing Tickle.” A customer drew the proprietor’s attention to the spelling error....

Emojis may cause :( in the workplace

As defined in the Oxford Dictionaries, an emoji is a “small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic...

Career setbacks: Are they helpful or hurtful in the long term?

How do early career setbacks affect our long-term success? Failures can help us learn and overcome our fears. But disasters can still wound us,...

How to manage your time

A major league batter has approximately two-fifths of a second from the time a baseball leaves the pitcher’s hand until it reaches home plate....

The 3 bones of success

A young woman was starting her career and leaving her parents’ home when her father pulled her aside and said, “There are only three...

Speak your mind

Are you better at public speaking now than earlier in your career? Yes: 83.33% Yes, but I could still use some work: 16.67% No: 0% Is public speaking...
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