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Tag: American Health Care Act


Is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) better than either the House...

Much of the young Trump administration has been spent trying to overturn and replace the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare). The impulse...

Full effects of health care reform must be measured and known

It is difficult to imagine that the passage of the American Health Care Act could so quickly be shunted to the back burner. But...
SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ORRIN HATCH, R-Utah, says that it is not a given that the taxes that were rolled back in the House of Representatives' American Health Care Act will be written out of the Senate's version of health care reform.

Obamacare taxes aren’t necessarily going away, GOP senators say

WASHINGTON – Republican senators said it’s unclear whether their chamber will repeal all of the taxes imposed under Obamacare as they set aside the...
HOUSE Republicans mustered enough votes to pass their health-care bill on May 4. The 217-213 vote sends the American Health Care Act to the Senate. Pictured is House Speaker Paul Ryan. /BLOOMBERG NEWS PHOTO

AHCA could cost Rhode Island hundreds of millions

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island could lose nearly a half billion dollars in federal funding, resulting in thousands of people losing health insurance, should Congress...
HOUSE Republicans mustered enough votes to pass their health-care bill on May 4. The 217-213 vote sends the American Health Care Act to the Senate. Pictured is House Speaker Paul Ryan. /BLOOMBERG NEWS PHOTO

R.I. leaders express concern, disappointment over AHCA passage

PROVIDENCE - As the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act, local legislators, officials and insurers weighed in, with most expressing...
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