Saturday, November 9, 2024


Home Tags Block Island State Airport

Tag: Block Island State Airport

RHODE ISLAND T.F. GREEN International Airport in Warwick will receive $6.5 million in the 2022 fiscal year from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to help upgrade and improve airport operations. Rhode Island's six state airports will receive about $45 million in total from the act over the next five years. / COURTESY R.I. AIRPORT CORP.

R.I. state airports to receive $45M in federal funds over 5...

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island’s state-run airports will receive $45 million from the Federal Aviation Administration over the next five years to help upgrade and...

RIAC implementing unpaid parking program at Block Island and Westerly airports

NEW SHOREHAM – The R.I. Airport Corp. has informed Block Island officials that it has plans for implementing a managed parking program at the...

FlightLevel says proposed airport parking fees are industry standard

PROVIDENCE – The manager of the state's municipal airports says it is developing a parking program for Block Island and Westerly that would institute...
GROUNDED FLIGHT: The Block Island Airport is one of the facilities that will be managed by AvPORTS under a new agreement. The company will receive $150,000 annually, with the state airport corporation responsible for all profits or losses. /

RIAC defends parking plan for Block Island, Westerly airports

PROVIDENCE - The R.I. Airport Corp. says a fee-based parking program planned for two state airports is being developed to help ensure it can...

RIAC planning parking program at Block Island and Westerly airports

NEW SHOREHAM – The R.I. Airport Corp. plans on unveiling a mobile app-based parking system at the Block Island State Airport and Westerly State...
T.F. GREEN AIRPORT, shown earlier this year, will receive $21.7 million in federal funds to help replenish revenue losses from the COVID-19 pandemic. / PBN FILE PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI

Rhode Island airports receive $24M in federal stimulus funding

WARWICK – T.F. Green Airport will receive $21.7 million in federal funds to help replenish lost revenue for operations, as well as capital projects,...
THE R.I. AIRPORT CORP. announced that it will initiate a strategic business and master planning process for all five general aviation airports int he state. Above, Quonset State Airport. / COURTESY R.I. AIRPORT CORP.

RIAC to create strategic master plan for general aviation airports

WARWICK – The R.I. Airport Corp. announced Friday that it will be undertaking a strategic business and master planning process for all five general...
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