Saturday, September 7, 2024


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Tag: Covid-91

BITTER SITUATION: Providence Brewing Co. owner Efren Hidalgo has received an eviction notice from his landlord for his North Providence brewery. Without enough money to move his equipment to a new location, Hidalgo is worried that if he is forced from his North Providence location immediately, he will default on his sales contracts. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Innovative R.I. court program to protect pandemic-crippled businesses goes untapped

Government lifelines are disappearing for businesses gutted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Struggling small-business owners who received an infusion of cash from the Paycheck Protection Program...
SENSE OF NORMALCY: John King, vice president of student life at Roger Williams University, says students hoping to return to in-person classes and on-campus living this fall are looking for some sense of normalcy, as COVID-19 has had “some real negative impact” on their mental health and feelings of connection. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Are colleges masking trouble?

The universities in Rhode Island that are trying to reopen residence halls and classrooms this month are requiring everyone on campus to wear face...
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