Sunday, October 6, 2024


Home Tags Economic vitality

Tag: economic vitality

WalletHub: R.I. 10th-best state for jobs

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island ranks as the 10th-best state in the nation for jobs in a WalletHub report released Wednesday.  The study, which ranked the Ocean State...

WalletHub: R.I. 6th best state for jobs

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island ranks as the sixth best state in the nation for jobs in a WalletHub report released Wednesday. The study considered more...
RHODE ISLAND'S ECONOMIC VITALITY just outperformed the national average based on data collected between 2013 and 2017, according to a recent report. / COURTESY BROOKINGS INSTITUTION

R.I. beats national average in economic vitality index

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island’s economic vitality stood slightly higher than the national average in 2017, according to the Hamilton Project’s Vitality Index and the...
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