Tag: Harry Kizirian Elementary School
State, Providence school officials break ground on Harry Kizirian Pre-K-8 School...
PROVIDENCE – State and city leaders joined Providence Public School District officials on Dec. 20 to formally break ground on the Harry Kizirian Pre-K-8...
2 Providence school projects progressing; one plan gets final approval
PROVIDENCE – Plans to construct two new school buildings in the city are moving forward, with one project receiving final approval from the city’s...
‘It’s a numbers game’: Teacher unions say R.I. star ratings paint...
PROVIDENCE – Purple Pride and commitment to students run deep at Classical High School, and the overall analysis by the R.I. Department of Education...
RIDE’s school ratings still show mixed results; Providence school ratings mostly...
PROVIDENCE – While more K-12 public schools across Rhode Island achieved 5-star status in 2023, the school accountability and improvement results released by the...
Kizirian Elementary School receives special pre-K accomplishment
PROVIDENCE – The pre-kindergarten program at Harry Kizirian Elementary School was recently awarded the BrightStars 5-star rating, the R.I. Department of Education and the...