Monday, November 4, 2024


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Tag: HousingWorks RI at Roger Williams University

Housing crisis needs champions

Buyers with incomes under $50,000 can no longer afford a home anywhere in the state, according to the 2019 Housing Fact Book issued by...

Rhode Island homes unaffordable to more buyers and renters

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Islanders are stretched thin in trying to afford either rental homes or purchase their own houses. The 2019 Housing Fact Book found...

Five Questions With: Eric L. Hirsch

Eric L. Hirsch, a professor of sociology at Providence College, recently released a report through HousingWorks RI at Roger Williams University that focused on...
The number of people who stayed at least one night in a shelter in Rhode Island has been increasing for the past several years, despite an improved economy./COURTESY HOUSING WORKS RI AT ROGER WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY.

R.I. urged to create more ‘deeply affordable’ apartments to counter homelessness

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island has an increasing number of homeless individuals and families and will need to build as many as 2,500 truly affordable...
OLNEYVILLE, WHICH has had substantial reinvestment in the past decade, is among the areas of Providence identified in a new report as experiencing gentrification, such as increasing rents. / COURTESY ONE NEIGHBORHOOD BUILDERS

Report identifies Providence neighborhoods experiencing gentrification pressure

PROVIDENCE — The city has several neighborhoods that have experienced gentrification pressure between 2000 and 2015, according to a new study by HousingWorks RI...
This graphic shows the percentage of homeowners, with mortgages, who are housing cost burdened, by income level./Courtesy HousingWorks RI at Roger Williams University.

One-in-three households with mortgage cost-burdened in R.I.

PROVIDENCE – More than one-in-three households in Rhode Island with a mortgaged property are housing cost-burdened, and the rate rises to one-in-two for renters,...
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