Sunday, September 15, 2024


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Tag: J Marcel

BITTER SITUATION: Providence Brewing Co. owner Efren Hidalgo has received an eviction notice from his landlord for his North Providence brewery. Without enough money to move his equipment to a new location, Hidalgo is worried that if he is forced from his North Providence location immediately, he will default on his sales contracts. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Innovative R.I. court program to protect pandemic-crippled businesses goes untapped

Government lifelines are disappearing for businesses gutted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Struggling small-business owners who received an infusion of cash from the Paycheck Protection Program...
SENSE OF NORMALCY: John King, vice president of student life at Roger Williams University, says students hoping to return to in-person classes and on-campus living this fall are looking for some sense of normalcy, as COVID-19 has had “some real negative impact” on their mental health and feelings of connection. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Are colleges masking trouble?

The universities in Rhode Island that are trying to reopen residence halls and classrooms this month are requiring everyone on campus to wear face...
J MARCEL CO-OWNERS Dixie Carroll, left, and Bill Jette have launched a "buy one, give one" program donating one piece of clothing to Sojourner House for every item purchased. / COURTESY DIXIE CARROLL

Stepping Up: women’s boutique donates clothing to domestic violence victims

PROVIDENCE – News reports that domestic violence has increased since the onset of the new coronavirus hit close to home for Dixie Carroll. While Carroll...

Providence’s neighborhoods in the spotlight with new online guides

On a sunny, June afternoon, two women stop to greet one another – one entering, one exiting Seven Stars Bakery on Hope Street, on...
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