Tuesday, September 10, 2024


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RHODE ISLAND'S unemployment rate of 3.5% in November was the second highest rate in New England. / BLOOMBERG FILE PHOTO/TIM BOYLE

R.I. has second highest unemployment rate in N.E.

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island has the second highest unemployment rate in New England, at 3.5% in November, seasonally adjusted, level with the national rate,...

R.I. suffers first vaping-related death

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island has joined the list of states with a vaping-related death, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The...
THE RHODE ISLAND unemployment rate declined 0.5 percentage points year over year to 3.5% in November. / COURTESY R.I. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND TRAINING

R.I. unemployment declines to 3.5% in Nov.

PROVIDENCE – The unemployment rate in Rhode Island was 3.5% in November, a 0.5 percentage point decline year over year, the R.I. Department of...

Raimondo planning to introduce recreational marijuana proposal, despite opposition

PROVIDENCE – Gov. Gina M. Raimondo said she still plans to introduce a proposal in January that would legalize and regulate recreational marijuana and...
R.I. ATTORNEY General Peter F. Neronha has announced that a statewide grand jury has charged three defendants, including a former Twin River executive, with crimes related to an alleged kickback scheme tied to Twin River food court leases. / COURTESY TWIN RIVER WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS

Former Twin River exec charged with accepting bribes in kickback scheme

PROVIDENCE – Former Twin River Worldwide Holdings Inc. executive Michael Barlow has been indicted on charges of accepting a bribe in his capacity as...
THE RHODE ISLAND CCI value improved to a value of 83 in October. / COURTESY LEONARD LARDARO

R.I. CCI rebounds in October

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island’s Current Conditions Index increased 25 points both month to month and year over year to a value of 83 in...
ERNST & YOUNG LLP conducted a 10-week analysis on the financial health on the troubled Providence Public School District. The report found that the city's school budget has been traditionally fixed and funds need to be reallocated to support student needs.

Ernst & Young: PPSD budget needs to be more flexible, student-centered

PROVIDENCE – The Providence Public School District has historically viewed its annual operating budget as being fixed and that mentality should shift to a...
THE SHARE OF mortgages in Rhode Island were in negative equity in the third quarter of 2019 was 5%. / BLOOMBERG NEWS FILE PHOTO/DAVID CALVERT

R.I. sees $3.6K boost in home equity Y/Y in Q3

PROVIDENCE – The average equity gain of a homeowner on a mortgage in Rhode Island was $3,555 year over year in the third quarter...
REBECCA BOSS, director of the R.I. Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals will depart her role at the end of the year. /COURTESY R.I. DEPARTMENT OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND HOSPITALS

Boss to depart BHDDH at end of year

PROVIDENCE – Rebecca Boss, director of the R.I. Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals, will leave the job at the end of...
MORTGAGE DELINQUENCY in Rhode Island declined to 4.4% of all mortgages in September 2019. / BLOOMBERG NEWS FILE PHOTO/DAVID CALVERT

Mortgage delinquency in R.I. lowers to 4.4% in Sept.

PROVIDENCE – The delinquency rate of mortgages 30 days or more in Rhode Island declined 0.5 percentage points year over year to 4.4% in...
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