Tag: Lists
Lists: Meeting & convention facilities
Just missed the list:
1. (tie) Quidnessett Country Club | Meeting space (sq. ft.): 10,000
1. (tie) Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel| Meeting space (sq. ft.): 10,000
Lists: IT services companies
Total number of local employees listed, including on just missed list: 2,556
Just missed the list:
1. (tie) Communications Unlimited Inc. | No. of local employees:...
Lists: Biotechnology and life sciences companies
Total number of local employees: 1,538
For more information about participating in PBN’s Top Lists, or to make additions or corrections, call (401) 680-4838 or...
Lists: Regional banks
Total no. of regional deposits at listed banks: $40.5 billion
Total net income from banks listed: $7.9 billion
Just missed the list:
1. Dime Bank | Market...
Lists: Rhode Island credit unions
Total no. of members: 400,308
1. Reflects first-quarter income or loss from Jan. 1, 2018, through March 31, 2018.
For more information about participating in PBN’s...
Lists: Executive recruiters
Total no. of local employees: 69
Want to join? For more information about participating or to make additions or corrections, email research@pbn.com.
Lists: Executive compensation in public companies
Just missed the list:
1. Eric A. Dorne, United Natural Foods Inc. | Total compensation: $2,222,083
2. Paul S. Green, United Natural Foods Inc. | Total...
Lists: Staffing firms
Total no. of workers placed each week on average: 2,142
Want to join? For more information about participating or to make additions or corrections, email...
Lists: Intellectual property lawyers
Total no. of intellectual property lawyers: 48
Re-ranked by firms with the most lawyers:
1. Hinckley Allen & Snyder LLP | No. of lawyers: 60
2. Adler...