Thursday, February 6, 2025


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THE R.I. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, along with Gov. Daniel J. McKee and the R.I. Department of Health, announced Wednesday guidance on how to safely return to in-person school across the state.

State officials announce guidance on return to in-person schooling

PROVIDENCE – Field trips resuming, optional mask wearing for vaccinated individuals, and no capacity limits on buses are some of the recommended guidance state...
LISA GARCIA, a math teacher at North Kingstown High School, has been named the 2022 Rhode Island Teacher of the Year. / COURTESY NORTH KINGSTOWN SCHOOL DEPARTMENT

North Kingstown High School’s Garcia named 2022 R.I. Teacher of the...

NORTH KINGSTOWN – Lisa Garcia received a pleasant surprise Thursday, courtesy of Gov. Daniel J. McKee and the R.I. Department of Education. Garcia, who teaches...
R.I. EDUCATION COMMISSIONER Angelica Infante-Green said Wednesday that the Providence community will have a say in what it would like to see in a new superintendent for the Providence Public School District. / PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO R.I. EDUCATION COMMISSIONER Angelica Infante-Green said Wednesday that the Providence community will have a say in what it would like to see in a new superintendent for the Providence Public School District. / PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Infante-Green: Community will have say in Providence superintendent search

PROVIDENCE – Along with including additional layers in the vetting process, various segments of the community will have a say in what they would...
HARRISON PETERS has been asked to resign as Providence superintendent of schools by R.I. Education Commissioner Angelica-Infante Green. / PBN FILE PHOTO/JAMES BESSETTE

Providence school Superintendent Peters asked to resign by Infante-Green

PROVIDENCE – R.I. Commissioner Angelica Infante-Green Tuesday has asked Providence Superintendent of Schools Harrison Peters for his resignation, about a week after the arrest...
THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION of Rhode Island's executive committee voted unanimously Monday to ask Gov. Gina M. Raimondo to close all school buildings and move learning to online starting Dec. 11 through Jan. 4, 2021.

NEARI asks Raimondo to move all learning to remote through Jan....

CRANSTON – The National Education Association of Rhode Island announced Tuesday that its executive committee voted unanimously on Monday to call on Gov. Gina...
THE BRISTOL-WARREN EDUCATION ASSOCIATION'S request for a temporary restraining order against the Bristol-Warren Regional School District was denied Friday by a R.I. Superior Court judge.

Judge denies Bristol-Warren teachers union’s plea to not reopen schools in...

PROVIDENCE – A R.I. Superior Court judge denied Friday the Bristol-Warren School Association’s request to prevent the Bristol-Warren Regional School District from reopening for...
R.I. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION received a $10.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to support the Ocean State’s efforts to rethink education and improve ways to serve students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

RIDE receives $10.9M federal education grant

PROVIDENCE – The U.S. Department of Education has awarded the R.I. Department of Education a $10.9 million grant to support the Ocean State’s efforts...
PROVIDENCE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT issued Wednesday a draft plan outlining health and safety initiatives in order to reopen schools in the fall.

Providence school district issues draft health plan to reopen schools

PROVIDENCE – The Providence Public School District issued Wednesday its draft guidance on health and safety measures the district plans to implement for schools...
PROVIDENCE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT and the R.I. Department of Education unveiled Tuesday its turnaround plan to help the troubled school district.

PPSD’s turnaround plan includes performance goals, expanding training for teachers

PROVIDENCE – The new action plan to turnaround the Providence Public School District was released by the district and the R.I. Department of Education...
R.I. EDUCATION COMMISSIONER Angelica Infante-Green told the House Committee on Health, Education and Welfare Wednesday night that among the public school reopening plans being considered for the fall is having some students learn onsite at schools while others continue remote learning. PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

‘Hybrid’ learning model among school reopening plans being considered

PROVIDENCE – Officials from the R.I. Department of Education met with the House Committee on Health, Education and Welfare Wednesday night offering strategies on...
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