Tag: Rhode Island Life Sciences Hub
New Harbor Group’s Greene informs the public, inspires change
2024 Business Women Awards
New Harbor Group managing director
LAUREN GREENE GREW UP watching and reading the news....
Panel: R.I. biotech sector has catching up to do
Like most leading voices in Rhode Island’s emerging life sciences sector, Neil D. Steinberg doesn’t try to deceive himself on Rhode Island’s standing in...
R.I. Senate confirms Steinberg as life sciences hub’s board chair
PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Life Sciences Hub board officially has its leader in place.
The R.I. Senate on Thursday unanimously approved former Rhode Island...
McKee nominates 2 for R.I. Life Sciences Hub board
PROVIDENCE – The new R.I. Life Sciences Hub board is beginning to take shape.
Gov. Daniel J. McKee on Tuesday appointed E. Armand Sabitoni and...
Report: Life sciences industry has room to grow in R.I.
PROVIDENCE – A $45 million investment to jump-start the Ocean State's position in the booming life sciences industry was left intact when the House Finance...