Saturday, January 18, 2025


Home Tags Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation

Tag: Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation

Eleventh-hour bottle bill reignites debate between environmental, business groups

Disagreement over a state bottle recycling program is as pervasive as the piles of recyclable bottles and cans littering Rhode Island streets, beaches and...
THE R.I. SUPREME COURT overturned a $5.7 million lower court judgement against Providence accounting firm Restivo Monacelli for alleged malpractice in its audits of the state's Central Landfill in Johnston./ PBN FILE PHOTO/ MICHAEL SALERNO

R.I. Supreme Court rules in favor of Restivo Monacelli in landfill...

PROVIDENCE - The Rhode Island Supreme Court on Tuesday overturned a $5.7 million Providence County Superior Court judgement against Providence accounting firm Restivo Monacelli...
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