Friday, January 24, 2025


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Tag: SafeCirc

PROVIDENCE BUSINESS NEWS honored 33 companies Wednesday for their revenue growth and innovation in the 2020 Fastest Growing & Innovative Companies Awards program.

Manufacturers, nonprofits, tech companies among honored in PBN’s 2020 Fastest Growing...

PROVIDENCE – Thirty-three companies were honored Wednesday by Providence Business News for their revenue growth and company innovation in the publication’s 2020 Fastest Growing...
ready foR u.s. SafeCirc CEO Mark King holds an AccuCirc device that will provide a safer and better-timed circumcision option for newborns. / PBN PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

SafeCirc’s AccuCirc device a game-changer for newborns

PBN INNOVATIVE COMPANIES 2020 HEALTH & WELLNESS SafeCirc THE ACCUCIRC DEVICE, used for more than 10 years in Africa, has successfully undergone four clinical trials, along...

PBN announces 2020 Fastest Growing & Innovative Companies

PROVIDENCE – Twenty local companies are among the highest earners on Providence Business News’ list of Fastest Growing Private Companies, and 13 companies are...
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