Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Home Tags Service Employees International Union District 1199 New England

Tag: Service Employees International Union District 1199 New England

UNDER PRESSURE: Dr. Raymond Powrie, Care New England’s chief of medicine, acknowledges that financially “hard decisions have been made” during the pandemic.  / PBN PHOTO/PAMELA BHATIA

Lifespan, CNE move toward merger, leaving many to wonder about side...

For decades, Rhode Island’s two largest hospital systems have been rivals, each enduring similar financial pressures on their own in a small but competitive...

A WORK IN PROGRESS: $45M program aims to reemploy Rhode Islanders,...

Scott R. Jensen watched helplessly as the number of out-of-work Rhode Islanders soared when COVID-19 hit in March. For months, unemployment claims climbed higher. And...

Battle looms over R.I. nursing home bill

State legislation that would hike pay rates for certified nursing assistants, would require nursing home caregivers to spend more time with each resident and...
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