Tuesday, November 5, 2024


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Tag: U.S. Bankruptcy Court

TOTAL BANKRUPTCY FILINGS in Rhode Island year to date in September declined 6.6% from year-to-date filings in September 2018. / PBN GRAPHIC/CHRIS BERGENHEIM

R.I. sees 142 bankruptcy filings in Sept.

PROVIDENCE – There were 142 bankruptcy filings in Rhode Island in September, a 7.8% decline year over year, according to data from the U.S....
RHODE ISLAND bankruptcy filings totaled 185 in August, a slight uptick from one year prior. / PBN GRAPHIC.CHRIS BERGENHEIM

R.I. sees 185 bankruptcy filings in Aug.

PROVIDENCE – There were 185 bankruptcy filings in Rhode Island in August, an increase from 179 filings one year prior, according to U.S. Bankruptcy...
THERE WERE 153 bankruptcies in Rhodes Island in June, a 26.8% decline year over year. / BLOOMBERG FILE PHOTO/DAVID PAUL MORRIS

R.I. sees 153 bankruptcies in June

PROVIDENCE – There were 153 bankruptcies in Rhodes Island in June, a 26.8% decline year over year, according to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court District...
BANKRUPTCY FILINGS in Rhode Island have steadily declined since peaking in 2010. / PBN FILE PHOTO

R.I. sees 185 bankruptcy filings in May

PROVIDENCE – There were 185 bankruptcy filings in Rhode Island in May, a 19.9% decline from one year prior, according to data from U.S....
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