Taking ownership of public education

Rhode Island needs a well-educated workforce to strengthen small businesses, the backbone of our economy. We need a strong, stable public education system to attract new businesses and new people, and to train future corporate executives. We need prepared and informed residents to fill the pipeline of civic and community leaders well into the future.

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  1. I can understand the RI business community reluctance to commit scare resources to this vexing system problem where no one entity is accountable. Now with voters having passed the $250M school bond, school committees will naturally focus on planning new buildings vs doing deep dives into the depressing RICAS data.

    Here in Newport, you can hear the giddiness from Rogers High School alumnus who want $180M to rebuild atop the same 1950s footprint. Long overdue reforms might come sooner and become more sustainable if all RI politicians had the luxury of four year terms and could be limited to two or three terms in office.