URI launches mental health nurse practitioner master’s program

ENGAGING STUDENTS: ­Denise Coppa, interim associate dean of graduate programs at the University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing, teaches a class at the Rhode Island Nursing Education Center in Providence. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
ENGAGING STUDENTS: ­Denise Coppa, interim associate dean of graduate programs at the University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing, teaches a class at the Rhode Island Nursing Education Center in Providence. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Nationwide, and here in Rhode Island, the health care industry is suffering from a documented shortage of qualified nurse practitioners. Employment in the sector across the United States is expected to grow by 31 percent during the 2016-2026 decade, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in order to meet a growing demand. Attempting to

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