WalletHub ranks R.I. as worst state to start a business, again

RHODE ISLAND is the worst state in the nation to start a business for the second-straight year, according to a recent WalletHub report. / PBN FILE PHOTO/ARTISTIC IMAGES

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island is the worst state in the nation to start a business for the second-straight year, according to a Monday WalletHub report.  The report considered 25 metrics to evaluate each of the 50 states in three categories: business environment, access to resources and business costs.  Rhode Island ranks No. 50 for business

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  1. WalletHub is an opinion list based on biased conservative principles and not on actual facts on the ground. I mean, Florida is number 1? Could they have listed Florida so high because the state has no worker protection laws, no social safety net, and minimum wage culture based on leisure travel? Anyone can open up a nail salon or sell turkey legs to tourist on a beach. Seriously, there is a reason Florida ranks at the bottom of the list for start-ups and small business creation in real value added business like medical, financial, IT and other professional services.